Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pregnancy and Weight Loss update

Pregnancy and weight loss, Oh yeah I am pregnant. I honestly keep forgetting that I am pregnant. It is weird normally I am all over it. This pregnancy is different. We have a lot going on in our lives that are good and bad. A lot of scary personal stuff going on. I ask you to pray for our family over the next couple of months as me make some descions and things get worked out. The pregnancy is going well. I am ten weeks (11 tomorrow). I am having no pregnancy symptoms. I really only ever have heart burn so I expected no symptoms. As much as I do not want heart burn the relief it brings is great. This Friday night I have an ultrasound. Yes you heard that right my first ultrasound is at 9:30PM on a Friday night. I think it will feel real after I see this little blessing. I saw my endocrinologist this week and she said my levels look good this month. That is great since they were up last week and we had to up my medicine. No side effects of upping the medicine. I will go back in 8 weeks to re do my blood work. Does anyone else reading this have Hashi’s and if so how did you do while you were pregnant? Weight loss is not happening. Man would I get in trouble if I was. Honestly I normally lose weight while I am pregnant. This time I am not losing. I have gained and lost but not a real loss. I have been 171 since November. I was 171.5 this morning. I have been staying steady at 173. I am trying to get better about adding in fruits to my calories. It is kind of funny that I could stick to 1200 calories a day easily but now that I am up to 1500 I am struggling and rarely stay there. I want to eat more like 2000 and sadly they are not good calories. I am working on it. I do not mind gaining weight but I want it to be good calories and not chocolate muffins and brownies. Please know I am not totally stressing over this. I have no picture to show because you can’t really see a difference in my belly. My jeans are starting to get tighter but I can still wear them.


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