Friday, September 26, 2014

Feeling Beachie

The statements: 1. I __ when I ___ 2. Apples___ are my _favorite __ fruit, I am thrilled to know we have a apple tree on our property and have planted another one. I see lots of apple desserts in my future 3. _Fresh cut grass __ is my favorite part of summer, if I could bottle that smell. 4. Mountain Dew_____ helps me relax. I know it should wake me up but i think it does both for me.
Feeling Beachie


retired not tired said...

I love the smell of fresh mown grass as well.

Cathy said...

I love the smell of fresh cut grass too.

Unknown said...

Love the smell of fresh cut grass!

Elizabeth said...

I like the smell of fresh cut grass too, and I LOVE summer. :)

Our apples were all blighted this year, and the peaches got frozen this spring so no peaches.

ENJOY your weekend.

Silver's Reviews
My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

Unknown said...

Apples are my favorite fruit, too! Gala or golden delicious. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

Hilary said...

the smell of fresh cut grass makes me sad

LA Botchar said...

nothing like the smell of fresh cut grass. well, I suppose if you have allergies... but thankfully I do not.
Love Mountain Dew -- have not had that in ages. I was the "strange" girl who always wanted that, or Dr. Pepper, and people would be like "we have Coke, or Ginger Ale" ha.

Unknown said...

I understand the Mountain Dew thing, even though I don't drink it. I can drink coffee first thing in the morning to wake up or last thing at night to relax.

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