Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Grace Update

I am just going to say it how it is. THIS SUCKS.  Grace had a couple of good days. She played with friends, had a sleep over, and went to the zoo with friends. Sounds like a perfect 24 hours. That was until her teacher at church told me that she was in tears in church and that she has been in tears all morning. Yes she has been more clumsy this morning because she is tired. 
 We should have a appointment for her MRI today. Please pray that it will be soon and that they will be able to help her. Because honestly THIS SUCKS! It sucks that you can't help your daughter, that you see her push so hard to be normal but in the end that is harder on her. She is ten and should not be dealing with this. 
For your viewing pleasure I am showing you pictures of how Grace and her friends play. Luckily they warned me ahead of time that they were doing this. 
Please pray, Pamela


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