Sunday, January 15, 2017
2016 in Review
Our year at a glance:
Robert, lets see Rob put in his retirement paperwork and in the next couple of months he will be out of the service after 24 years. I think he is really looking forward to life in the civilian world. In his spare time this year he built a new goat house and yard. His new goal is to build a rock wall in the back yard for the kids.
Pamela, oh wait that is me. I have had a busier than normal year. I enjoyed another year at the farmers market and tried several new craft shows this year. We are no longer in any shops and have decided to only do online sells, farmers markets and craft shows. I may change that but for now we have found this works best. I love the baking for farmers market. If i was being honest I would say I love the soap making because it gives me time to work with rob. I love when he comes up with a new idea. You can see what we are working on by clicking on our facebook page.
Michael, officially started Pensacola Christian College. He is loving college life and plans on trying to stay this summer and working to help pay for college.
Faith, is enjoying her time on the Volleyball team. I cannot believe she is a junior already. She has chosen to not get her license yet and that thrills me because it means she still needs me.
Hope, is still my animal lover and I still struggle to keep her inside most days. This year we gave her a new room with new furniture. I may never see her again. That is unless it is time for volleyball game.
Grace, has had a busy year. She joined the volley ball team. She has also been sick this year. She woke up one morning feeling dizzy and has not been dizzy for months. We ask you to continue to pray as we look for answers.
Jason, is nine years old. I cannot believe that. He loves all things that evolves around school. He loves competition. If the girls do 25 push ups then he will do 50 just to show that he can. My favorite time of day is when I can just set and do school one on one.
James, is a hot mess. That made me laugh just writing it. He wants to be big and play like the big kids but he still wants to be my baby. He refuses to get dressed unless every piece of clothing has been approved. His biggest complaint is that he has to wear a size 7 pants when he is only 6 years old.
Jacob, is three. I cannot believe my baby is three. Jacob, is sneaky and rotten and into everything and scared of nothing and mommas boy for sure.
I do not know what 2017 will bring but I am looking forward to it.

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