Sunday, September 30, 2018
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Dear Jacob
Oh dear Jacob you make each day an adventure. This child loves his cowboy boots. I do make him take them off at night to keep the bed clean.
Sometimes he decides he does not want to share so he finds a way around it by making a tent with pillows to watch a movie on his tablet.
Friday, September 28, 2018
Big Sister Problems
I love this child. I think he is realizing his sisters love him too. Honest I think he likes it when his sisters use him as a doll. Today they took face painting to a new level.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Cheesecake Factory and A Spider Invasion

Our Farmers Market

Colorful Hair Don’t Care
So I have a question? What do you think when you see a teen with colorful hair?
Do you see rebellion or someone having fun? For me I think it depends upon the whole attitude. If they are smiling and act respectful then I see it as someone having fun.
Recently my daughter heard someone say it was disrespectful and that these kids look like Bozo the clown. It honestly hurt her feelings because she had our permission and she paid for it.