Romantic screw-ups. This is comical to me because boy do I have stories. Okay I have to say do NOT let children read this. So here is my story and feel free to laugh. Okay several years ago when Rob came home from Iraq the first time I thought I would surprise him with a weekend get away at a friends cabin. The other part was that I was going to let him teach me how to shoot his guns. I am kinda anti gun so that was a HUGE deal for him. So we arrive and get unpacked and settled. Beautiful cabin,warm fire, water bed. Dead animals hanging on every wall. Okay a little personal info Rob and I have only used Birth control twice in our marriage and honest it never lasted more than a week or so. Well the week before going was one of the weeks Rob decided that he was using protection. Well we get settled make dinner and decide to UMMMMMMMMMMM only someone forgot protection. So my husband decided that we would not UMMMMMMMMMMMMM all weekend because we did not have protection. What is so funny is that on Monday when we got home he decided it was silly for us to use protection. So go on with the weekend and we decided to make smores. They were so yummy, UNTIL I look over and see my husband licking his plate. I about died. This is not typical behaviour. I can not believe I am telling you this. I have to say all in all this was a amazing weekend we will never forget. We shot guns and I scrapbooked and had the fireplace going the whole time. We took naps and hiked and I scrapbooked. We took silly marriage quizzes, well we thought they were silly until we learned new things about each other. It was amazing but definilty had some screw ups.
okay I could tell you the story of the one and only time I decided to try chocolate syrup with my husband and he commented that he strawberry would have been better.
I really do have a amazing husband and if after being together 20 years this is the worse I can say then I am a lucky woman.