Monday, February 22, 2010

Mommy guilt mondays

Mommy guilt Monday is hosted by Copmama I have so many mommy guilts this week. I will only list a few that involve our move. I promise I will stop talking about it soon. When we were going through things before the move I promised the girls that if they let me throw away there kitchen toys that had clue and yuck all over them that I would buy them new ones at the new house. Now that we are here I am trying to get out of it because I do not know where we would store them. We rarely use the word promise because I only promise when I can do it and now I am trying to figure out how to get out of it. Second, when we told Faith she is geting her own room she got so excited and said she wants 2 things in her room her dress up clothes and her make up. We never disagreed but yesturday when she started to take her make up upstairs we stopped her. What were we thinking, she would have make up on walls and carpet and who knows where else.
What is your mommy guilt, is it that you buy little debbie cakes and hide them so your kids do not know and then sneak and eat them when they are not around.
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