Friday, May 29, 2015
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Peanut Butter Goodness
I really like Pinterest, border line love Pinterest. When I saw this recipe I was thrilled. You can find the recipe on my Pinterest board but the basics are vanilla pudding, peanut butter, cool whip, Reece cups and nutter butter cookies layered together.
I made this for a ladies event at our church but may have to i sample before leaving.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Chair Sleeping
In case you were wondering, Jacob is still enjoying his chair naps. Some days more than others. It is by far his favorite place to nap.
Look at those little toes.
Where is your favorite place to nap? For me it is in my bed with lots of blankets and the room freezing.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Home Security 101
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Refusing to Nap
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Taking Care of the Girls
I think he feels like it is his job to take care of the girls at church. He dances with them.
Okay, he also chases them and steals snacks.
On a side note I love this beautiful nursery. So grateful for the space we have been given.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Feeling Beachie
The statements:
1.After a long week_____, I _like to relax and make soap with my husband. _______
2.Living on the edge__means running out of apples and bananas with this crew______.
3.Thinking you can__be better than someone else____ makes me_sad because no one is more important than anyone else. ____
4.Lists are__the only way I live my life and not forget to feed myself____.

Thursday, May 14, 2015
New Driveway
Gravel and gravel and more gravel. Did you know gravel is cheap. It is the cost of having it delivered that cost. Now that it has been delivered it is time to get the kids outside to start spreading it out.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Great Wolf Lodge
This weekend we spent time at great wolf lodge. I know I have written about Great Wolf Lodge before but they deserve it again.
Great Wolf Lodge is a indoor water park. What I love the most is that once you check in you never have to leave. First, they have the water park that you can spend hours at and never get bored. My favorite part of the water park would be the life guards. These are not your typical life guards who stand around and chat, they are all business. They have eyes in the water at all times and I mean really in the water. Today I watched one jump in to help a little boy. I knew what was happening because they have a amazing whistle system. I have a firm belief that you should never and I mean NEVER rely on life guards. It makes me angry when people get mad at life guards for not keeping their kids safe. It is 100% percent the parents responsibility. But honest I have seven children of different ages. So since I do not have super powers I am glad I have the life guards to help me.
So when you get tired of the water park you have several other options. They have a amazing arcade. Story time right before bed. A kids corner with lots of crafts. A spa for parents but they also have a spa for the kids.
Did I tell you about magic quest. It is like a scavenger game only better. Four floors of climbing and hunting for that special jewels or elements or creatures.
Okay, so now you know about some of the entertainment but you do not know about the amazing food. The restaurant are amazing. They have so many options. My family always has to visit scoops. Sometimes for fudge or brownies. Sometimes for a caffeinated drink for the parents. In the water park they have food and drinks that are the perfect size.
Oh you forgot something! No problem they have a gift shop and another shop inside the water park. I have actually bought a swimsuit inside the water park because the prices are amazing.
The last thing I will talk about is the rooms. We have been in a couple of different size rooms and have been comfortable in them. When you have a large family it is always interesting to find a room that is comfortable. They are beyond clean.
Okay, I have one more thing to tell you about. The staff is amazing. I do not think they know the word no. I am someone who ask a lot of questions and request a lot of extras and they always try to accomadate us.
This is not a paid post. This is just a mom who enjoys having her family together and feeling safe.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Our New Dresser
Monday, May 11, 2015
Crayola Chapstick
Recently my daughter had a sleepover with a couple of friends. She really wanted to make Chapstick with the girls.
This recipe is super simple. Pick your favorite bright color crayon and break it up into small pieces. Add one teaspoon of coconut oil and melt.
So when I found this recipe on Pinterest of course we had to try it.

I added a little water to my pan and then melted my coconut oil and crayon in a glass bowl. As soon as they are melter I stirred and poured into little Chapstick containers I had bought for another project.
They do not have a taste but definitely color your lips and the girls loved it.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Homemade BBQ sauce
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Friday, May 8, 2015
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Feeling Beachie
I am so excited to be co-hosting this week. Please stop by and join this week and tell her I sent you.
The statements are:
1.When I feel _have a mile long to do list__ I like to _write it out so I can check things off.___
2._Mountain Dew___ is my favorite soda even though I know how bad it is for me.____
3.If I could add one thing to my house it would be _hard wood floors, with all the animals and children the carpet is disgusting.___
4.I would plant _green beans__ in my garden but not _corn, we tried it but it did not come out well. I think because all the farmers around us grow feed corn.__

Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Coffee and Babies-Wordless Wednesdays
All I can say about this picture is that if he does not nap then a certain teenager is going to be babysitting.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Heart Issues
Thank you dear child. You know I am struggling right now with some things. Yet you continue to lift me up. Even when I know I am not being the mom you deserve right now.
Let me honest dear blog readers. I have had a couple of bad parenting weeks. Lots of struggles and heart issues. It is so hard because I want to be more patient, I want to help my children have open hearts. I want to take away their fears and make everything perfect. I have to remind myself that it is not my job to open hearts. I can only guide them. Ultimately it is between them and God.
Today I am choosing to be grateful for little victories.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Snow Dough
I love Pinterest and really try to make the recipes and ideas I pin. Today we made snow dough. Super simple and super fun.
1 cup hair conditioner
4 cups baking soda
Mix and play. The kids built snow men and pretended it was snowing.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
No Good Rotten Day Two
Day 2 of the no good rotten day. The day went well. We had a little rain. I actually like rain when I can enjoy it. I heard the wind blowing but that is normal. Let me tell you, when you are surrounded by corn fields you really hear the wind.
Then a child got a little mouthy and went to bed early.
That actually was a good thing because a few minutes later she started screaming. MOM THE TRAMPOLINE IS IN THE CORNFIELD, THE FENCE IS GONE.
So everyone takes off running. While my house is surrounded by cornfields we have a road close. So the teens ran out to get the trampoline to keep it from going into the street.
You know things like this only happen when your husband is away.
You know what, I choose to say this was lot a bad day. Because we are safe and we have wonderful friends who will come to fix the fence.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Flat Daddy
Jacob was introduced to flat daddy today. He was beyond confused. He kept trying to take his patches off. I think it is time for a new flat daddy since my husband does not wear glasses any longer.
Happy 5th Birthday!
It's his birthday. His fifth birthday, no longer a preschooler buy by big boy. I love this boy so much. He is 5 but you know that. What you don't know is that this boy loves to be held. He cries at everything. He loves to help out. He cries at everything.
Sometimes he prefers to hang out with me at church instead of going to his class and I don't mind one second.
His favorite things paw patrol and anything crafty. He loves to be outside riding his bike.
He has recently taken on the big brother role to Jacob. Watching them play together is amazing.
Happy Birthday baby boy!
Friday, May 1, 2015
Daddy Needs Help
Every night daddy will show us his view. Every night he walks us around his condo and the girls remind him what needs cleaned. I think the next time he goes away he needs to take a couple girls to take care of him.
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