Our days are busy. I keep thinking they will slow down. But then we have a slow day and I cannot seem to set still.
Let me just give you a glimpse into our day. We started by hanging flags at church. Then home to start banana bread. Then we went to the park to pck up a swap and decided to play for twenty minutes.
Then we dropped Michael off for a hair cut before taking Faith to the orthodontist. Picked up Michael and stopped by the house to open windows and pack a picnic lunch. Then we dropped bread off to my husband for a order before taking Michael to work.
Then we met my husband at the park for a picnic and to play. Ran to legal to sign some papers.
Are you tired yet because I getting there. After that we went back to the park because we had 30 minutes to spare. Then I took 6 kids and myself to the chiropractor. Have you ever seen seven people in one office? Then home to make chocolate chip cookies, bake the last of the banana muffins, make oatmeal cookies and then we made red, white and blue cookies. Did I say the kitchen had to be cleaned up a million times and the kids needed dinner? We finally made it to bed around 11pm. Tomorrow is a fresh day with lots more baking and laundry.