This has been a hard week. Sunday morning my baby girl passed out twice at home. We rushed her to the hospital.

They did blood work and we waited. The blood work came back that she did not look sick. The doctor said she must have just been dehydrated and released is. As we were walking out she passed out again. Only this time it took much longer for her color to come back. They did a chest X-Ray and decided she has pneumonia.

So after a antibiotic shot we were sent home.
We followed up with our pediatrician who said she did not hear pneumonia but it looked like she had strep throat. That test came back negative. The doctor said maybe she just did not hear the pneumonia. She still had a fever. So for now we watch her.
She is feeling much better and is ready to be allowed off the couch.
Please continue to pray as I have another baby who is coughing.
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