Three years, I can't believe it has been three years. I have always said I love the newborn stage. I don't even mind the mid night wake up calls because it means more snuggle time.

But I am learning I actually love the toddler stage. He can talk to me and ask questions and tell me what he thinks.

It took seven years for my womb to be open to another baby. It was a crazy pregnancy but so worth it.

Jacob is strong, smart, hilarious, not just funny he is hilarious. He is into everything. He does not realized he is three. He loves anything to do with trains and tractors. He loves going to church and his favorite person in the whole world is probably Sasha who just moved away.

He is the most stubborn, spoiled child you have ever met. And you know what?? Most days I wouldn't change it for anything.
Happy Birthday baby Jacob