Friday, August 1, 2014

Feeling Beachie

The statements: 1. When it _snows__ I _stay inside, you do not need me driving.____ 2. _Making Jelly__ is a great _way to spend time with your spice. It is my husband’s new favorite hobby so we stay up late making it.___ 3. Is there ever a good time to __give up sugar, I don’t think so______? 4. I can’t leave home without my _cell phone_______ and _my children. I try to sneak but man they know the sound of the door and come running. ________
Feeling Beachie


retired not tired said...

Good thing is that the children will eventually leave on their own.

Elizabeth said...

LOL on your statement about your driving in the winter. :) I am not too bad.

Sugar is very difficult to give up.

I love your last answer. Can't leave without your children. :)

Have a great weekend.

Silver's Reviews
My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

ImagesByCW | OceanDreamIllustration said...

Not too surprisingly a lot of us have this 'issue' with our cell phones... I guess it is part of the times we live in today.
Have fun with that LOAD of bananas! I usually put one in my morning's green smoothie

Hilary said...

Making jelly? Sounds fun!

Patricia said...

Where I live if it snows nobody drives and everything shuts down. Can't imagine life without sugar.

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