Friday, August 15, 2014

Feeling Beachie

The statements: 1. When do you___worry about your health? When I am pregnant and realize I am taking care of more than myself.__ 2. Why is it that_spot on the carpet____? Oh wait, don’t tell me I do not really want to know. 3. During a__thunderstorm____ I __like to sneak out on the porch and watch how beautiful life really is.______ 4. Singing in the _shower______ is__my safe place because no one can hear me.____
Feeling Beachie


retired not tired said...

We worry about our health all of the time. We lost our doctor this year and were a little worried until we found a new one. Fortunately we have nothing to worry about yet.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the honest, open way you fill in the blanks. Have a great weekend!

Hilary said...

i love thunderstorms

Elizabeth said...

I worry about my health especially since I had breast cancer, but I need to stop.

I usually only sing at church but sometimes in the car when no one is with me. :)

Have a great rest of the weekend. BTW, you look too young to have a 17-year old and a 13-year old. :)

Silver's Reviews
My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

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