I will be thirty three weeks this week. I am feeling amazing. Well as long as this stinking allergy issues are gone I am feeling great.
I am getting bigger by the day. Actually we were eating out the other night and this stranger looked at me and said “YOU ARE HUGE”. Most people would be offended but I love it. I love looking pregnant.

Last weekend my friends hosted a baby shower for my new blessing. To say that I was over whelmed with love is a understatement. Most people do not get a baby shower for their seventh baby. They spent a ton of time making sure every detail was thought of. Everything from the decorations to even getting new mom necklace for me to wear.
The food was amazing; the love that came from each person was amazing. I still can hardly believe the amount of work that was put into this shower. Let me explain something about my 2 host. One recently found out that her mom has cancer (for the second time) and had just returned from 3 weeks of visiting her mom. The other hostess recently lost her driver’s license because she is having seizures and the doctor cannot seem to get it figured out. We are not talking about two ladies who have nothing going on in their own lives. We are talking about two amazing women who although they have so much going on in their personal life they made sure that I felt loved.

Another funny thing happened, although no one was told it turned out to be a monkey themed party. I had everything from a monkey diaper cake to monkey outfits.
This baby is definitely loved by the ladies of my church. I will never forget how special this day was for me and my girls. Actually only two girls came to the shower. Grace was concerned that her finger nails and toes nails did not match. Hope on the other hand had no desire to go. She said why I would want to brush my hair and get dressed for a baby party. I love how each child is different.

I have another appointment with the OB this week. Not expecting anything exciting but excited to hear his precious heartbeat. If the books are correct this little blessing is 18 inches long and weighs about 4 pounds. I just cannot imagine.
I guess I need to decide if I am going to tour labor and delivery. Part of me is scared that I will not like some of their policies. On the other hand I should probably at least know where labor and delivery is in the hospital.
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