Sunday, December 8, 2013

Feeling Grateful

What a emotional few days. Yesterday was my farewell. It was a amazing time of affirmations. I am not good about hearing positive things about myself, I left feeling loved and appreciated. 
 Today was our last Sunday at church. It was bittersweet. I try to avoid saying good bye at all cost. Honestly I have always been afraid of crying in public. It is  especially hard when I see how this fellowship has bonded with my children. How they have loved on my family and not judged us. 
  Did I tell you today is my birthday. We are spending the day buying a last minute gift for a friends child and then exchanging pants for one of mine and going for Mexican for dinner. I woke up to  candy and cards from my husband. Later on in the morning he shared something on his heart. I told him then that is all I need. For him to share something from his heart is true intimacy. Something honestly that has not always been there. 
 Okay, time to get going. We have errands and then a ton of stuff to cram into two vehicles. 


mtm said...

my heart is warm to hear of how well you have been loved in the body there, yeah! I am sure you and the family have also loved and blessed many there. Happy birthday and know we are all richer for having spent time being with you.

Kate said...

Pamela, I love following your blog and I
wish you all the best. I saw the picture of your beautiful baby sitting on your lap,
and I'm worried for him. The camera is showing his eyes white instead
of red...and I know that you are already worried about his eyes. White eyes in photos could be a sign of retinoblastoma, please show this photograph to your doctor/optician. Thoughts are with you. Kate

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