With so many birthdays in a short time we decided to combine parties. The girls had a blast. Faith and Hope had never been to build a bear before. Grace decided to just pick out a outfit, Faith picked out a leopard and Hope picked out a dog, but only because I did not show her the horse. Believe it or not I only arrived at the party 15 minutes early. At 9:55 Grace needed a change (AHHHHH, I could have and did scream). So I rushed her back to the van in hopes of being done before her guest arrived. Then I realized I did not have wipes. So I ripped open a pull up and poured water in it and used it as a baby wipe. not great but it worked. Then we went to the store. They did not open until right at 10am. So we were okay. The girls had a great time and the store is amazing. They know what to do and how to do it. They do not encourage you to spend more than you signed up for. They even gave us extra hair bows. Later that night I realized Hope had walked around picking up hairbows off the floor that would have been put in the trash. So we have PLENTY of hairbows. After the party we went to the food court to have cake. The cake was about my hundredth (just teasing) cake of the week. I need to admitt they got tired, sore, lazy hand. So they had a round cake with a purple layer and a pink layer. Since Hope loves bugs I used the leftover grahm crackers from the pumpkin patch cake on top. frosted the whole thing green and added bug candies. Hope loved it. I am happy to say there is currently no cakes in my house. The girls are enjoying there bears. Because someone gave Hope a outfit we now have 3 bears and 3 outfits. It was so cute because Grace chose a fisherman outfit for her bear. All those cute outfits and she chose fishing. Her daddy was thrilled.
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