There are wonderful praises at MckMamma, I encourage you to head over and read about them.
I did not make sugar cookies and then leave them for my mother in law to ice with the kids because i know it makes great memories.
i did not walk around for 2 days with a piece of metal sticking out of my foot (felt like a splinter only it was metal) because i was too scared to ask DH to help me see it
I did not use my in laws coming in town to convince my dear husband to clean out his closet because for one he would have eventually done it and they would never have looked in my closet.
i am not using last years Christmas cards this year because we did not get to mail them out.
The unit Rob is attached to is doing gift wrapping as a fundraiser and I did not volunteer to stay a extra day because I am able to set and read and relax.
I hope everyone has a great week
I did not have these conversations in my house this week:
Grace: mommy why does curly lick his butt
to clean himself
Grace: is that why we put him outside, so he can have privacy when he goes potty
yes grace, i wish I got privacy in the bathroom
Grace: no mom you do not need privacy, i need privacy but you do not
me: yes grace i would like privacy
Grace: no mom I am watching to see if poop comes out so i can take you to chucky cheese
the funny thing is that we have told her for months if she will go poopy in the potty then she can go to chuckie cheese
me: hmmmm honey i have to apologize for something, hmmmmm
DH: yes
me: HMMMMMMMM that metal dental pick on the bathroom counter
DH: yes
ME: did you use that on your teeth
DH: yes, that is what it is for
ME: hmmmmmmmmmmm i am sorry,
DH: almost laughing at me as i climb in the bed next to the best man in the world and pull the blankets almost over my head
DH: not saying anything as in he does not want to know
ME: hmmmmmm honey i am sorry, ummmmm (sounding so much like one of our children) but I found a great use for the metal dental pick (you know that horrible scraper thing they use at the dentist)
DH: what is it
ME: well you found it in the kitchen because well I used it on the mixer and the (ummmmmmm, sheets being pulled up higher and higher)
and the sink and around the sink
DH: did you use both ends
ME:HMMMMM why does that matter, but i do not know, why
DH: because at least I would have a 50/50 chance of living
ME: hiding under sheets
I love this man, he has to put up with so many things. but really guys that dental pick can really clean the little hard to get to parts of the mixer and other small appliances. do not tell rob but it works great on the cheese grater.
have a great week.
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