First let me encourage you to visit MckMamma's blog for a update on this precious baby. www.mycharmingkids.net
This has been a CRAZY week, a wonderful week but a crazy week.
Okay let me start with the most recent, I did not, most certainly did NOT and never would forget baby wipes and then tear a pull up apart and pour a bottle of water on it and use it as a baby wipe. No I would never do this because for one I would be prepared and have baby wipes and two because that is just wasteful.
I most certainly did not make my husband ice his own birthday cake after he told me how to do it better. this would never happen because for one i respect his opinion and two because well that is just rude. I also did not use some of my free pampered chef money to order get his birthday gift.
This week is klassy kids and I did not go shopping on Thursday night (yes Hope's birthday). I then did not stay and help then for 2 more hours just because in comparison to my house it was quiet. I love my family and would not want to miss time with them.
I also did not almost run a red light this week at a spot I have seen several accidents because my son was telling me something about a science question and I was thinking too hard on the question. I am always aware of everything when I am driving.
Since my husband has been deployes to Afghanistan before I most certainly did not have to be told that men there do have blonde and red hair. Not just black hair. Of course I would know this.
My daughter did not tell everyone that she does not know how old she is and then proceed to count to ten out of order.
Since my family does not celebrate Halloween (my conviction not my families but they try to support me). I most certainly did not compromise on this and let Faith hand out candy at the beauty salon this evening because it meant the stylist was working on me and not handing out candy. I also did not compromise my standards by saying my kids could go to fall festival at my church.
Last but not least my husband did not say "I was washing the hair bow too" after I questioned how he washed Grace's hair with the hair bow still in it.
I hope you enjoyed my list this week, I am sure there are many things I did not list.
Again, I ask you to head on over to Mckmamma's blog www.mycharmingkids.net to get a update on baby stellan and to pray for there family
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