There are wonderful praises at MckMamma, I encourage you to head over and read about them.
I most certainly did not have over 300 messages in my inbox. Most of which that I have already read. I found several old not me monday list so if any of these are repeats sorry. But in my life if it happened once I am sure it happened more than once.
Okay I most certainly did not let my girls finish off half a pumpkin pie just so it would be gone and I could wash the container. That could not be good for them and I would never encourage them to over eat.
I did not hear Grace say these words "You know the things that go in your butt", talking about tampons. She would never know in what body part it comes close to.
I did not finally break down and call the repair man for my toilet that had been broken for days because Grace filled it with tampons. These kind of things do not happen to me because I never let my daughter in the bathroom with me and I always keep them out of childrens reach.
I did not take my bra off in the kitchen and put it in the trash and tell my husband that I refuse to wear one again until I get some that fit. No worries my husband just laughed and I have been wearing them. Maybe I will buy one next year. Can someone tell me why they do not make them that fit and do not cost a small fortune.
Because I eat healthy and always share with my kids I most certainly did not or do not buy myself a snack cake any time we stop at a gas station and then sneak and eat it before the kids wake up for breakfast.
I did not cancel my dentist appointment this week to avoid a thousand dollar bill. I know I need the dental work and that we are soon moving away from a dentist I truelly trust.
Hope does not request that I blog about all that she does and she most certainly is not worried that I will blog about things like the fact that she wears my socks instead of hers everyday.
I did not bake a pumpkin pie on Friday just because I wanted my house to smell good when a friend came over. I know cleaning would have been better and made things smell better.
Okay it is confession time, what silly things happened to you this week.
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