Woo this month has been long. Jacob has been sick off and on for months. He is battling ear infections and congestion.

I am so grateful for our oils that have kept it from getting worse. But one day it all changed, he had a runny nose and cough but that had been his normal. Then it changed and it was in his chest. His breathing sounded scary and we rushed to the hospital. By the time we got to the hospital his oxygen was down to 84.

The hospital was amazing. They got him on oxygen and realized he also had a double ear infection. He was admitted for observation. We are use to asthma in our family (sadly). This was a different experience for us. This is a small local hospital without a pediatrics unit. At first that fact made me uncomfortable. But they were amazing. We had constant care, constant attention. We were on the medical floor which means all things medical to included ICU and labor and delivery. He is much better now. We have had two follow ups with his doctor and have another one next week.
Did I mention that the night before I had my husband in the ER. He was trimming our trees and got something in his eye.
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