What a amazing weekend. I cannot believe that my baby boy has graduated from high school and is now registered for college.

My baby boy who struggled to learn to do the basic skills like jumping and talking.

The day after graduation we had Michael's open house. What a amazing crazy day. We rented chairs and tables and planned a amazing outdoor party. Then the rain hit and then more and more rain. In the end it turned out wonderful. Half way through the weather cleared and they could get outside and play basket ball and have a bonfire. A friend came over and spoke to the youth. I truly feel any time youth are together the word needs to be heard. I am so grateful for the man who gave up his time to spend with our youth.

So grateful for friends who helped when I asked. They helped with cookies and cutting up fruit.

My friend Holly posted a picture of a pineapple tree and I quickly asked her to make one for Michael's open house. It worked amazing as a fruit tray. I can't wait to share how how she made it with you.

I also can't wait to share my sons testimony with you. The last few months have been a whirl wind of amazing things in his life. But that is for him to share.
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