The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

I have read this verse over and over. I have clung to this verse. But honest I have doubted. I have thought maybe I did not raise him right. This child of mine who has been raised in the word. This child of mine who would quote the Bible to me had turned from it. It broke my heart watching him hurt, watching him fight with what he knew to be true.
That has changed. My boy is a new creature. He is not the same son I had a few months ago. His smile is back, his hope is back. In the above picture he had just licked my face. Yes my 18 year old son licked my face to be silly. I don't mind because he was happy.

I am sharing with you today a picture of the day he was baptized because I want you to see his face. Can you see that smile? I could see it and I could not stop smiling. I had to laugh or shrivel in embarrassment as my seven year old yelled timber as another young man was being baptized. It reminded me of the time my child washed her mints in the holy water at a catholic service.
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