Friday, November 5, 2010

Fill in the blank Friday

1. My last haircut was.... too long ago to remember

2. My most daring hair moment was... when my husband was deployed and I had a new baby and I went in for a hair cut and had it cut above my shoulders and had it straightened. I loved it. My son did not speak to me for days. My husband never commented until he got home and I went to get it cut and he said "you are not going to do that again"

3. A hairstyle I'd never be brave enough to try is.... every hair style out there, I have never had a style and always dreamed of one. You know, if someone would teach me how to dress (and buy the clothes) and then give me a hair style I would be THRILLED! Just make sure you give me 6 month notice to get in shape.

4. I've always dreamt of being a (blonde, brunette or red-head) red head. A deeper red, like in Pretty Woman Red, Oh man that is my dream hair

5. My go-to hair do is curly and down. Every day in my life. I shower, put a little moose in and dry. Then I just pull the top up. If you have ever met me in the last oh I do not know 20 years that is what I have done

6. My biggest hair disaster was... the day I cut my own hair (I did it all the time). But, I had a big awards ceremony to go to. So I walk up and accept the award (not a big deal) set down and my frien says "Did you cut your own hair" OOPS!

7. A hairstyle I am dying to try is.. Any style, remember I have no hairstyle. Actually I am growing it back out, I love long hair so I can pull it up in a bun and be done

8. My best hair day was... when we went to a ball and the lady listened to me and left the back down but made the top and back beautiful .

9. The worst hairstyle I ever had was Oh man, I was in seventh grade and I was almost bald. Seriously, had spike hair on top, I can not believe it was ever that short. I wish I had a picture

10. My hair gray and curly .


monica said...

almost bald? no way? i can't imagine that?


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