Really, I am not looking for a reason to blog. I was wondering what kind of bathrooms you have. If I had pretty decorated bathroom I would take pictures. But I do have some bathroom questions. I would love if you would send me your answers and I will answer them too if you promise not to laugh.
I am showing you the picture of our extra shampoo collection.
okay here goes:
1. How many bathrooms do you have? 3 full,
2. Who uses which one? 1 for DH and I, one for michael and one for the girls. Originally Michael had his own because the girls were too little and it has just turned into his. Which means the guest use the hallway bathroom that the girls use.
3. Okay how many bottles of soap do you have? one in the girls bathroom, one in michaels, 5 different ones in my shower and 10 extra botttles in the cabinet.
4. How many bottles of shampoo? 1 In ours there is 3 shampoos, 1 in girls, 1 in michaels, 15 in closet
5. How many conditioners? 1 In ours there is 3 shampoos, 1 in girls, 1 in michaels, 15 in closet
I am alittle obsessive about it, I also have a HUGE bottle of hand soap, and 6 bottles of leave in conditioner and shaving cream. I just wondered how many other people stored this much bathroom supplies. The funny thing is I have let our kitchen dwindle down and I need to re stock on food.
1. How many bathrooms do you have? 2 full
2. Who uses which one? 1 is the master bathroom and it is now used by the roomate. When it was just us it wasnt really used.. I use the hall bathroom
3. Okay how many bottles of soap do you have? We do not use a lot of soap. I have 2 bars of soap in my pantry that have been there for 2 years or more and I have 1 thing of soap that we use and we have had it for a while
4. How many bottles of shampoo? I have one bottle in the bathtub and 1 bottle in the pantry.. We are a no-poo family. I have had those two bottles for many months
5. How many conditioners? None.
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