I was thinking about a funny story today. When we were pregnant with our first child we were so excited. Seriously I think my husband was a E4 and we laugh that we lived in a 4 room shack. It was bad. But we were so happy.

We counted the days until we could find out what we were having. My hero so wanted a boy, had to have a boy, knew it was a boy. For whatever reason our appointment was on a Saturday morning at 8am. We walked into the empty hospital (Fort Campbell for those wondering). We promised ourselves that we would wait until we got home to call family and friends and tell them. We had not bought anything for the baby.
As soon as that lady said it was a boy he about lost it. He could have cared less about anything else. We left the ultrasound room and he was floating. He was telling anyone walking down the hallway that we were having a boy. He stopped at the pay phone (no one had cell phones) and used money we did not have to call his mom and tell her. We went home and he instantly started going through tools and looking for stuff he could sell because he needed to buy boy things.
Okay, I am in a story telling mode so let me tell you another funny story. When we found out we were pregnant the second time my son instantly said it needed to be a boy. He was not happy when it was a girl. Fast forward a couple years and another sister came along. Fast forward another few years and we are pregnant again. We allowed Michael to come along. We reminded him that he was not allowed to pitch a fit if it was a girl. He walked into the ultrasound room. As soon as I the DR put the ultrasound to my stomach he started saying she. Honest it kind of confused me because surely he had not been there long enough to know it was a girl. A few minutes later Michael said “dad when are they going to say it is a boy”. My husband said “they already said it is a girl”. The next sounds you heard were sobs. A few minutes later we let him wait in the waiting room while we talked to the doctor. When we walked into the waiting room he was sobbing into a couch. A lady looked at me and I explained. She looked at Michael and said “oh honey, I have always wanted a big brother to take care of me”. He looked at her and I thought he was going to burst. He tried hard to remain calm before looking at her and saying “I have 2 little sisters to take care of”. We left and went to eat. During lunch Michael asked his father (my amazing husband) to divorce me. Something was obviously wrong with me because I kept giving him girls. It was time for the talk.
This is such a sweet post, I agree with that lady there is nothing like having a big brother. :)
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