What a week. First my washer broke on Monday or Tuesday. On Wednesday I took clothes to a friend and on Saturday I went to the laundry mat and got caught up. It looks like I am buying a new washer this week. OUCH! I will say if I had the money I would chose to continue going to the laundry mat. It was amazing how quickly you can get laundry done when you have access to ten washers and dryers.

The best part of the laundry mat experience that they had miss pac man. Do you remember miss pac man? I wish I did not have kids with me because I would have loved to play that game.

Speaking of clothes, I went to Cato’s this week. I love Cato’s. As I was leaving my daughter pointed to this picture and said “mom, when you get skinny I want you to wear that outfit”. I guess I better work on getting skinny and learning to wear heals.


Did you know I have a fun book give away right

">here. It is a great book for kids.
Wouldn't it be great to have a laundry mat right inside your house? Maybe not 10 washers and dryers, but 2 of each would be so cool! Our washer and dryer are 12 years old, and I'm hoping they hold out a little longer so they don't have to be replaced anytime soon.
Your daughter is so funny! It's a cute outfit, for sure. Don't know if it's worth getting quite that skinny for ;).
Have a blessed week Pamela!
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