Tuesday, April 25, 2017
A Broken Heart

Monday, April 24, 2017
A Unexpected Life Change

A Better Day
Last Sunday was not a good day. This Sunday was amazing. I woke up showered and did my annual shave. Don't laugh we all know we can relax in the winter. When I came downstairs my amazing husband had breakfast made.
We all ate breakfast. Two boys were dressed for church. No crying just dressed. My college boy was up and dressed,
We went to church where I set next to my hero. After church we came home. I ate chocolate cheesecake a friend gave me. Then relaxed in front of Netflix. While I relaxed my hero and Jacob went fishing.
Before I went back to church I took Grace to good will. Church was amazing. It was more of a Bible Study. I love our new pastor and his style of preaching.
After church I stood in the parking lot for almost two hours and chatted with another mom. That in itself filled my love tank.
I am so grateful for a day to relax and just be together.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Working Together
My husband and daughter are amazing. This weekend we had a over lap of shows. So my amazing daughter and husband did two shows on there own and they rocked it. I am so grateful for family who are willing to pull together for our small business and help out.
And look at that beautiful girl back at shows. I have missed her being with me.
Friday, April 21, 2017
Another Crazy Day

Thursday, April 20, 2017
What a Day!!

Saying Good-bye
This week we sold four of our babies. I knew we could not keep them but it is always hard to let them go.
This picture cracks me up. The babies have to be on their knees to nurse. Reminds me off a toddler hanging upside down to nurse.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
My Baby Boy
Oh baby boy please slow down and don't grow up. I love you so much. I love how you still need me to go to sleep. I love how you give me morning kisses and snuggles each morning.
Please do not grow up, please stay my baby boy.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Petrie Soaps and Stuff
I feel like life has been crazy the last few weeks. We are trying to stock up and prepare for our summer farmers omarket. This year we are doing two. I am really excited about this but it means I need to be working ahead. Did you know that you do not have to come to a market or craft show to purchase our soaps. You can always order right from our Petrie Soaps facebook page. We are working on our Mother's Day Specials right now.

Saturday, April 15, 2017
Happy Birthday
This little boy is turning seven in a couple of weeks. I am not ready. This is my snuggle buggie. He was so small when he joined our family. Not walking and hardly talking. He randomly shook. We had so many appointments to figure out what caused what looked like seizures. We never found out what was going on. We think it as stress. Occasionally his little hands will tremble when he is nervous. It is nothing a little snuggle can't fix.
I remember the first time he called me momma. Oh what a privilege it is to be his momma. I will never take for granted that his birth momma is giving me this privilege. I will never take for granted the minutes that God has given with me.
James has a smile that helps him get away with more than he should. He is so smart but he does not want others to know just how smart he is because then they would not baby him as much.
Happy birthday baby boy, I love you!
Friday, April 14, 2017
House Pets
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Goat Shows
Monday, April 10, 2017
Thursday, April 6, 2017
My Tongue Hurts
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
What a Day
Today I went to the grocery store and while at the checkout I dropped a $20 bill... the lady in front of me picked it up... I thanked her and told her that it was mine and she said "The things found on earth are kept by the collector" and walks away... I looked at the cashier who is as amazed as me and, in a loud voice, I say to the lady, "is this some kind of joke?! Give me back my $20!" I followed her into the parking lot, still shouting, but she would not stop.... When she got to her car, she put her shopping bags on the ground to open her car door. So I ran up, grabbed the bags and ran off yelling "The things found on earth are kept by the collector!!" I went home nervous, shaken and agitated because I've never stolen anything in my life, I opened her bags...and what did I find inside?????????????