Monday, April 24, 2017
A Unexpected Life Change
So much has gone on recently and I want to tell you about all of it. It will take a book to tell you everything. So lets see, what should we talk about first. Let's talk about life outside of the military.
Our official last day is April 29. Technically today is the last day my hero could have said I have changed my mind and want to stay in. That decision was easy for him. He is ready to be out. I do not blame him. He served for 24 years.
Sadly, life is not going as we had planned. First, the plan was that he would be able to start a civilian government job in March. That was until the 180 day rule was put back into place. Basically it says that any service member who gets out of the military cannot hold a government job for 180 days. Let me give you my opinion. THIS IS STUPID AND DISRESPECTFUL, you see in February he was in Israel and could have died for his country but in March he is not good enough to work for his country.
So now he looks for a job. There is a couple of problems with that. You see companies look at how much money he made in the Army and do not want to interview because they cannot match that amount. He has lots of training. He has driven vehicles that in the civilian world would require a CDL license but not in the military.
So what does the future hold. We do not know. He is applying for jobs. We are praying that Mr. Trump says the 180 day rule is no longer in effect.
I could choose to be angry over all of this but I am not. You see God is in control. He knows what we need and when we need it. And right now he knows I need my husband home. He has had some health issues that needed to be worked out. I am grateful that he is home to take care of these and has not started a new job. It would not look good to ask off for all of these appointments early in a new job.
Do you need a laugh? The other day my hero had a appointment with a job interview a hour later. I told him he could just drop me off at Sam's. I was honestly looking forward to it. I rarely go to Sam's Club without kids. In my mind he would be gone a hour. Seriously, how long is a job interview? His interview was over two hours long. At one point employees found me setting on the outdoor furniture under a canopy that was for sale. I felt like the girl out of that movie. You know the one who was left at Walmart and delivered a baby. That was me.
I will update on his health soon. It is all good and God has worked it out for his good.

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