2. Do you go all out for V-day or is it just another day? I want to go all out. Well really I want someone to go all out for me. I did score bonus points this year because I got my husband a coin holder. He has wanted one for years.
3. Are you more or less productive when Hubs is away? More productive, my hero is deployed right now so it is time to step up and get things done.
4. What is your favorite time of day and why? Lunch time is our definitely our favorite, I did not even have to think about it. I love it because most days I use this time to get things done. The kids hang out at the table eating and talking and giggling. No matter how bad our day has gone they take lunch time to have fun.
5. What is your go to karaoke song? Put a lime in the coconut and drink it all up or Lord, I lift your name on high. I know 2 totally different songs.

Definitely two different songs... great to know more about you...
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