2. Fourth of July___ is my favorite holiday, because I love how people all the sudden become patriotic.
3. I think my children___ is/are _nuts and crazy and weird and beautiful and loved and curious__.
4. When there is a _military homecoming__ I _I cry like a baby even if I do not know any of the men coming home__.

I always cry at the military homecomings too.
I always cry at military homecomings too!!! How can you not? Or those surprise visits to the kids' schools when their parent comes home and surprises them! The tears just come!!!! Happy Friday --coming over from Hilary's today!!!
I cry at military homecomings too! The show "Coming Home" used to get me every time, it was like I was a glutton for punishment. My brother-in-law is in the Navy and I haven't witnessed one of his homecomings yet, but I'm sure I'd be one hot mess!
Crying like a baby during a military homecoming is perfectly understandable. I would too if I ever saw one!
I love your number 3! My children are great that way, too! The joy of my life!
your number one made me laugh!
I love your blog! You are so cool! I thought I was following; now I am!
McGuffy's Reader
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