Dear Hero,
Well it has been over a week. A week since I hugged you, a week since I saw your face. A week since I conned you into changing a diaper. I feel like we did not get an official good-bye. Things got crazy and I did not get my traditional good-bye. I guess it gives me something to look forward to.
This evening I went grocery shopping at wal-mart (yucko). I can now say I officially started working on my first care package to send you. Now if only I can get an addy to send you things.
When we were driving to Wal-mart Grace saw cows standing up and told me that she missed you because the cows are standing and that means it is a good fishing day. Then walking through Wal-mart she pointed out something else that makes her miss you. I like when she talks about you. I try really hard to keep communication open and going.
Well I guess I better get in bed. Mornings come early. I love you babe!
How sweet!
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