I love this new recipe. I love my new deep covered baker (DCB). So many wonderful meals I can not wait to tell you about. Tonight was the first one. Here is the recipe. It is a pampered chef recipe and you can find it on there site under Loaded Baked Potato chowder.
1. slice 3 potatoes length wise and lay in DCB, pour 1/c cup milk over potatoes
2. bake 11 minutes, rotate potatoes
3. bake 11 more minute
while baking whisk 4 ounces cream cheese, add 3 cups milk
4. pour mixture over potatoes, microwave 3-5 more minutes
5. stir in 4 oz cheddar cheese (we used a little more)
EAT, OOOH YUMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! so good that rob said we need to cook it for his parents when they visit. pampered chef suggest adding green onion tops and pepper but i am plain.

Sounds like my kind of recipe- easy and delicious!
Wow, that sounds really delicious...and easy! Usually when I make baked potato soup, it takes HOURS! I may have to invest in a DCB!!!
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