In our homeschool this week…it has honestly been hard to ask my kids to do school when the weather is in the 70’s. I feel like we need to be outside playing and running and jumping and screaming.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…I am determined to do devotions every morning with my kids. It brings us all together and lets us start the day out as a family and go over the goals of the day.
I am inspired by…my daughter. My girls are in a running group. They are in 2 different groups. The other day Faith ran past Hope. Noticed she was not running and left her friends to go back and run with and encourage her sister.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…we have no plans to travel. Hopefully dad will get internet and be able to skype soon. We miss him like crazy and need to see his face.
My favorite thing this week was…setting in the sunshine. I normally do not like the sun and definitely not the heat. But for some reason I crave the sun and the heat on my face. It wakes me up and calms me down and energizes me.
What’s working/not working for us…not having dad home is not working for us. Keeping up with our chore chart is working for us. As long as I remember to stick to it.
Questions/thoughts I have…I know this is not really homeschool related but I need a new camera to keep in my purse. Do you have a recommendation? I have a nice Nikon but need something to carry with me. Something the kids can use too.
Things I’m working on…My friend’s husband is coming home next week and I have fleece to make him a blanket and I would really love to get it made before he gets home.
I’m reading…I just read He Heard Hannah, I will tell you more about it on March 8th. All I can say is WOW and it is so inspiring.
I’m cooking…oh my word I cannot stop cooking. Pinterest is killing me with all the fun things. I made eggs in a muffin pan. They turned out amazing.
I’m grateful for…friends who help me with the kids, friends who listen when I need help.
I’m praying for…my hero, he recently found out he has asthma and any time he is in cold he sounds like he has ran a marathon for the first time. It is scary to hear him breath. Hard to get away from the cold in Afghanistan
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…


for a really cool compact camera that you and your kids will enjoy, try Canon's PowerShot Elph 100. There's a $50 instant rebate on it so you can get one for $129 with Free shipping.
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