2. Are you the kind of person that wants things more as soon as you know you can't have it? Oh yeah, although I have self control to not go over board and talk about it constantly.
3. If you were given $1000 to spend on yourself, what would you buy? That is so hard. I want a new camera, maybe fabric for sewing. No really, I know now. I would pay for someone to come in and clean my house and my carpets.
4. Do you ever go out to eat by yourself? All the time! If my kids are not with me then I always stop to eat. I love it. I order what I want and enjoy it. I do not go into the restaurant and eat alone.
5. What company would you want to do a blog review for? This is really hard. But right now I would say a good camera would be amazing, as long as they taught me how to use it. Or what about a Kelly Moore bag to go with my camera. Oh man those bags are awesome. Let me think any kitchen appliance would be amazing too. So many things, so many ideas. It would take a book to list everything I would love to try out.

I remember those days when if you wanted to eat something that YOU liked, you had to do it when the kids weren't around.
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