In the hour he was home before bedtime he tried to fix the new $50 heater the girls poured wax in. Then he fixed the remote control and started to fix a broken laptop before I stopped him.
I did not think we would ever get the kids to bed. Coming home must be hard and over whelming for our soldiers. He had 8 little people climbing on him and wanting attention. While they are climbing on him his wife is looking at him begging for attention and all he wants is a hot shower and a moment without a million people around him.
He did warn the kids that if just one child came to his bed last night he would “stick his boot where the son did not shine”. This is really comical to me to me. So while last night no one came to our bed and I got amazing nights sleep and slept until 7am. Within minutes of waking up this is what our bed looked like:
It is going to be a great day!
Awww! That's so awesome!
How wonderful!!!
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