Today has been a good day so far. I woke up and layed in bed talking to Rob. Then I did a quick run through of the house. The nurse came and changed Rob's dressing, she said I did a good job. I was worried that I had not packed it up deep enough. It was so neat because Grace stood at our door and watched what the nurse was doing and then when she was done Grace came in and listened to his heart. I think that was great because she has not been herself the last couple of days and I really think it is because there have been so many changes recently. After the nurse left the girls and I went to church. I called Rob on the way home to check on him. He said he was just setting down. He had been in the backyard putting the dog in the pin so Michael could mow the grass. I was furious to say the least because he is a big dog and he jumps. We had already discussed me putting the dog up. It is funny because I have to be cautious that I am not treating Rob like a child. But on the other hand I have to make sure he is not going to hurt himself. We had subs for lunch and then everyone layed down. It was wonderful, Rob and I layed on the couch and he slept. It has been a long time since we have done this together. When Rob woke up we went outside and I planted our tomato plants. They are on the front porch so we can all watch them grow. A friend called me from KY today, it was so nice to hear from her. And so nice to know that people are praying for Robert. He is such a strong man and it kills me to see him not being able to do everything he loves. I think the nurse broke his heart today. She told him that he could NOT go fishing, because when you flip your arm it uses your stomach muscles. I felt bad for him. He is out walking again with Michael now. I am hoping this time together will bring them closer. I will be turning in his paperwork to his work tomorrow so they can put him off for the first 30 days. Please pray that this goes smoothly.The girls and I are going back to church tonight. They are so excited because they will be practicing for a musical. They always practiced on Sunday nights at out old church and we did Awana's on Wednesdays so they always missed out. That is not a complaint, our old churched offered great things for the kids, I just wanted them in Awanas. R

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