2. What's your most recently read favorite book? He heard Hannah, I wrote about it. It was an amazing book.
3. What's your favorite Spring Break memory? My favorite memory was planting our garden last year, digging in the dirt in the cool weather. I was expecting a HUGE garden. We bought so much stuff that I just knew it would take up half of yard. It was honestly half the size of our smallest garden.
4. What do you put in your child's Easter basket? Or, for those w/o kids, what was put in your childhood basket? We stopped doing Easter baskets several years ago. We do give the kids a gift. We were given a gift and so we do give them a gift.
5. Do you get a summer haircut? I do not; I have had the same hair forever. I do keep the boys hair cut really short. I love fresh haircuts. I love seeing everyone fresh out of the salon with no dead ends.

It's amazing how much you can actually fit into a garden sometimes - other times it seems like there's no room for anything.
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