Dear Hero,
Today has been a good day. I wish you were home tonight. The laundry is actually caught up and put away. Wait, maybe there is some clothes now that the kids are in pajamas.
I finally broke down and asked Rachel to start helping me every other week. I just realized I can either be irritated that I cannot keep the house up or I can ask for help.
I am so excited for tomorrow. First I am taking Abby to the Vet to be fixed (what is it called when it is a female dog). The kids are having a fit that we are not ever going to let her have puppies. Then I am going shopping for summer clothes for the kids. I am going to try not to go overboard. Heck who am I kidding, when you have 6 kids anything is overboard?
I told Michael you got his e-mail. I wish you could have seen the smile on his face. He told me today that he can hook his IPOD up to his computer and attach pictures to his e-mails. So who knows what you will be receiving.
Oh Rob, your girls were a mess today. Hope and Grace were playing Polly pockets and then Grace said “I use breast feed my babies but then I moved to California and now I cannot”. No idea where she comes up with this stuff.
I am going to try to buy two new shoe racks tomorrow to hang inside the boys closet. I am ready to start getting rid of things again. Every day I look around and see something we do not need. Two copies of a book, extra school stuff. Even dare I say it, kitchen gadgets?
Okay, I guess I better go. I need to make sure I put the dog’s food away. For that matter I better put away the cat’s food and the guinea pig food.
I love you baby and miss you more than I can explain. I hope you are getting settled in. I cannot wait for you to have a address so I can mail things to you.
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