Another Saturday alone without you. I almost do not know what to do. So far it seems normal. I am awake, way before everyone else. Well except for the cat and dog who thought it would be fun to fight at 6am. As I type this the dog is trying to get under the table at the cat and all I hear is her whimpering because the cat keeps smacking her. I took the dog to get her nails trimmed yesterday. They did a good job but not as good as our vet. I have got to stop taking her other places when I know what a great job our vet’s office does.
We do not have a lot of plans today. I really want to work on those blankets. Michael is supposed to go help on an eagle project. I may run a couple of errands while he is there and then go back and let the kids play on the playground. I am anxious to try out this new camera. I did not buy a new camcorder. Maybe in a couple of months.
Can I tell you how excited I am you got a cell phone? I know it is pricey but so worth it to hear your voice.
The kids are doing well. Yesterday was a great day. The weather was awesome so we played outside a ton. I opened the windows. The wind was crazy wild but I do not mind. I love airing out the house.
I cannot wait to take the girls on Tuesday to GOTR so I can take pictures of James on the playground. He is so cute. He runs and smiles and laughs. I love hearing it so much.
I found someone who is willing to make me a clothe envelope system. I am so excited. I have torn up our current one. It will also be fun to carry something around that looks more like a girl wallet than a leather binder.
Did I tell you I bought Faith new dress shoes? Size TEN, she is getting so big! Every day is something new with her. She loves the running program. She started Science this week and finished up History. She is loving science. I need to order the things for science projects.
I got my nails done yesterday. I had them put a yellow ribbon to remind me of you. Not that I need help but it is like my little tattoo.
Okay, well while writing this the boys have woken up and are ready to eat. I guess you can’t come home and cook breakfast. Speaking of coming home, yesterday Grace asked me if you would give permission for all of us to drive to you for a visit. She said we could all fit in the van if we do not bring Kerri.
Oh, one more thing, I know I always go on and on. Yesterday when I went in to have the dogs nails done a funny thing happened. I only had 2 kids with me. A lady walked in and said “are you the lady with that big family”. She saw the back of the van.
I love you,
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