In our homeschool this week…my daughter learned about soil. I thought it was neat because Michael is studying soil for Boy scouts
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… do not be afraid to take a day off; do not be afraid to work on a Saturday. This is why we homeschool.
I am inspired by…friends who keep sharing Christ love even through hard times. Who are open and honest about how they feel.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…my son has a Camporee this weekend through boyscouts. I have not seen him this excitement in a long time
My favorite thing this week was… watching my son help my daughter with her science. I love how it makes him feel.
What’s working/not working for us…we have drifted from our schedule this year and I need to get back to being strict with the younger ones on keeping a time line. Otherwise a child can take hours to do one lesson.
Questions/thoughts I have…how do you handle it when a child is falling because they are not trying.
Things I’m working on…cleaning out closets. I have one down and four more to go. I am hoping to work on it this weekend. I need to get rid of a bunch of things they are not wearing.
I’m reading…Warrior Sons, how to pray for your son. I hope that is the name.
I’m cooking…I made chicken courdon blue. It was amazing. I will be sharing it this week.
I’m grateful for…friends who will bring over ice and toilet paper when I am sick.
I’m praying for…my sons weekend. I pray he has a great weekend and has fun and meets new friends.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
**Did you know I was giving away free Chick-fil-A? I am right here.

We had sickness yesterday. Gastroenteritis.. bleh! Fortunately, raw honey and ginger kill it off in a matter of hours. The kids were back up playing and bickering by afternoon. :P
Hope ya'll are feeling better QUICKLY!
Dropping by from the HMJ.
Oh, no! Sounds like a ROUGH week with illnesses! Hopefully this weekend bring rest and health make to everyone in your family!
Falling because of not trying? Is it something that has a natural consequence? SOMETIMES letting things go until that time is a very good lesson about doing what you need to do when you need to do it. Other times it's necessary to CREATE consequences and/or encourage trying...or finding out WHY they're not trying in the first place. Too challenging? Too easy? Not interested?
Nothing like having a sickness go through the entire family, not fun! Hope everyone is on the mend. Stopping by from HMJ, have a great weekend!
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