Dear Hero,
Grace just called for me; she wanted me to pray with her and Jason. She said they have a hard time praying for daddy. She said Jason prays you will be home tomorrow and does not understand it will be a long time. She said when they prayed last night her nose tingled and then she cried. She said she could not pray for you without crying. So I prayed with them. Jason prayed you would be home safe tomorrow. Grace prayed that when you got home we had a safe move (I guess they have heard us talking about wanting to move). She said it would be hard to move with everyone and we needed help. I love these children and their hearts.
AWANA went well tonight. I miss being in a class but it is nice to be able to set and chat with Lindsie. Tonight was so funny because James was overly jealous. If another baby was near me he would try to move them out of the way. When he got in my arms he took both of my hands and wrapped them around him so I could not move them.
We have been listening to the kid’s music in the car. It is so funny hearing how all the kids sing it differently. Every now and then James would scream YES SIR, I have to giggle.
I love you babe and cannot wait to talk to you again.
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