2. If you had to choose between natural artistic ability and natural athletic ability, which would it be? Artistic of course, I could do fun things for friends and for my house. Not the outdoorsy type so unless they have indoor sports I am not interested. I did buy zumba for my house. I just cannot get the dancing down. So am not coordinated.
3. Do you ditch the coat the minute it becomes "spring" or are you a holdout for more cool temps? We have a rule in my house, I only have to wear a coat when it is I am pregnant or there is snow on the ground. I cannot stand being bundled up. Okay, really that all changed a couple of years ago when my body temperature dropped to 96 on a normal day. I could be covered up in blankets when it is 100 degrees now.
4. What would you do if you won the mega millions lotto of 1/2 billion dollars? By a large farm and build three beautiful homes. One for us, one for my mom and one for my MIL, then I would hire a maid, six tutors and a part time nanny. I would travel the world with my children. And most importantly my hero would NEVER deploy again. That is something I could not imagine.
5. You are at a hotel by yourself...what do you do? Walk around naked without anyone saying “mommy, you are not wearing pants”. I would take a long shower, I would order food and read a good book, light some candles and not be worried. I would blog my life away. Ooh how I dream of a day to lay in a fancy bed. Ooh what if that room had a hot tub in the room. I do not know whose question this was but now I will be dreaming about this for days.
***Side note: did you know I am giving away Chick-fil-A? You can enter right here.

Isn't it nice to dream about having money!
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