Sunday, March 25, 2012

How to stay close when your spouse is away

I waiting patiently for my husband to get a address so I can start sending him mail. In the meantime I will get my cards ready. I have 50 ready to go. I try to keep a stash of cards by the front door. Ready to go into the mail box. That way as the kids can throw a letter in with my card or a school paper. Plus they get to run to the mailbox everyday.
My thought for the day is: Come on Army, I need a address to send my husband cards and letters. It makes him feel special and it makes me feel like I am helping him.


Francine said...

This post is so inspiring!  I think I'm going to buy a bulk amount of cards on ebay right now and put them by the front door.  I'm not an army wife, but a simple card can be so encouraging and really lift someone's day.  We could pin them on a bulletin board/white board or simply lay them all over the dog crate as you have.  Yes, we have a ginormous dog crate in our living room as well.  :)

Found you via Sunday Stalker and am following.  You have a lovely family. 

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