Saturday, September 28, 2013
Car Seats and Hospital Check Out
Friday, September 27, 2013
Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1) I am so _scared___ for my _son when he does not catch onto social issues and says the wrong thing. ____
2) _Feed___ me, I __am hungry, that is about all my baby boy says to me right now and I do not mind____
3) I am ___not good ____ at keeping secrets, neither are my friends.
4) I _can’t believe__ that _my baby boy is here already, sometimes I think the pregnancy flew by and sometimes I think it lasted forever.

I have missed my Feeling Beachie on Fridays.

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Two Week Check Up
Brotherly Love and Bedtimes
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Hospital Food
Monday, September 23, 2013
Breast Feeding and Weight Loss
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Sensory Boxes
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Excercising with the Family
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
A Birth Story or at Least Part 1
The baby was instantly placed on my stomach. This is the first time my baby has been placed on my belly. Oh the pure joy of being able to see him laying there and touch him. I delivered the placenta within a couple of minutes. I remember the doctor asking me if I wanted to keep the placenta. That totally shocked me in a military hospital. I was still shaking.
Now here is where you may want to close this blog down if you are squeamish. My husband took the baby over to the warmer to be examined. He scored a 9/9 on the apgar. A first for my children. I could see everything. This again was a first and I was enjoying every minute of it. I felt like I had the perfect deliver like a story. I always envied those women who held their babies after delivery.
Now comes the painful part. Remember I said it just kind of happened. I have delivered five babies but this one just felt different. Apparently I tore, tore is an understatement. They called in a third doctor (the one they screamed for because of the sac); she was in the OR and never made it. Well it took two doctors over an hour to stitch me up. They took turns stitching me. I was told that I had torn all four directions. At one point they gave me something in my IV. I thought it was for pain but it was to help the shaking stop. Within seconds I stopped shaking. RELIEF is what I felt. The doctors kept working making jokes about how they were carving their names and asking my husband what else he wanted written. Ten minutes later the shaking came back. The doctor asked the nurse to give me more meds but she said I had already had the highest dose. He could not believe I was shaking again so quickly. It was mostly my legs. I did hold the baby during this time which was heaven. They eventually finished sewing me up. Painful is an understatement. They then had to go inside all my cavities to make sure they did not stitch into them. That is how bad it was.
They kept me in the delivery room for a couple more hours. My blood pressure was still up. Several doctors came in to discuss the baby and how exciting it was that he was born in the sac. I cannot believe no one got pictures.
This is where things got a little scary. The baby had a temp and it was confirmed that he had DAT. They still did not make him leave my room but had several specialists come and check on him. During this time I was able to hold him and love on him.
Finally at 1am we were sent to our room. You know after they do the whole rubbing on your stomach which is horrible on its own but the nurse had long nails and it felt like she was scratching me.
The pediatrician informed me that they would need to do blood work and would need to keep the baby at least 48 hours. They called in a NICU team to do the blood work. They had to pull the curtain to do it but he did not have to leave the room. They were checking to make sure he was not sepsis. Especially since I did not complete my antibiotics. But that he would be in my room. This hospital was amazing at keeping mom and baby together. My blood pressure was still up but not terrible and the shaking had stopped. I sent my hubby home at 1:30 to get some rest. Oh and this precious boy is already nursing like a champ. Just hours after delivery and he is nursing like a champ. He is wide awake and his eyes are so beautiful. His cheeks are so chubby. We have always wanted a chubby baby and we finally have one. He weighed 8 pounds 12 inches which is a pound heavier than any other baby. And was 20 inches long which is an inch shorter than any other baby.
I have so many more details to share but they will have to wait because this precious little blessing needs his momma.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
He is Here!!!
Tasty Tuesday
I love fall, I love pumpkin. One of my favorite easy recipes is pumpkin syrup. Two ingredients and you are done. My kids love pancake syrup and think they need half a bottle per meal. For this recipe I buy sugar free pancake syrup and combine it with a can of pumpkin. All you have to do is put both ingredients in a sauce pan and warm it up. I also make a decent amount because I know for the next couple of weeks we will use our pumpkin syrup on waffles, pancakes, toast and even cinnamon rolls.
I love this recipe because it is simple, but makes a yummy addition to our table.
I also love that this French toast was made on our homemade bread. My son grinds the wheat, the girls take turns helping me with the ingredients and then I bake it. This week we made 7 large (as in store bread size) and 4 regular loaves. This should last us a couple of weeks depending upon how many we give away.
Friday, September 13, 2013
How to Pay it Forward
Don’t laugh but there are a few things that are important to me in the delivery room. The first is that I have new socks that look really clean and second that I have a recent pedicure. I don’t know why this is important to me but it is.
So recently I was getting my pedicure and a lady who I had not even spoken to walked over to me and handed me a gift certificate. The place was super busy and every chair was full yet this lady walked over and handed me a gift certificate.
It reminds me of how much I want to pay it forward. It does not have to be anything big. Maybe drop off snacks at the fire department or to the therapist that help my children.
How do you pay it forward?
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Feeling Beachie
I am so excited to be hosting this week. One because I am writing it early in the week because if everything goes according to plans by the time you read this I will be holding our newest blessing. Plus this is one of my favorite hops ever.
The statements are:
1. _Sunday afternoons___ are the _perfect___ time to _take a long nap. We arrive early for church for set up an then by the time we get home the little ones are ready for bed and so is this momma. ___
2. No matter how hard I try I still can’t _make biscuits, something I would love to have the ability to do. ___
3. 3) When I was young I thought turning 30 meant _I was a grown up and would have my act together___ but now I know it means I want to be a teen again and that I have so much more to learn. __
4. 4) I love to cook _a full meal with all the sides___ for dinner. When I am in a hurry my go to meal is _boil noodles add pizza/spaghetti sauce, mix in pizza toppings and top with cheese. It only takes about 20 minutes and feels like a great meal and I can add fresh veggies without complaint from the kids. __
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Wordfull Wednesday
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Things That are Important
Don’t laugh but there are a few things that are important to me in the delivery room. The first is that I have new socks that look really clean and second that I have a recent pedicure. I don’t know why this is important to me but it is.
So recently I was getting my pedicure and a lady who I had not even spoken to walked over to me and handed me a gift certificate. The place was super busy and every chair was full yet this lady walked over and handed me a gift certificate.
It reminds me of how much I want to pay it forward. It does not have to be anything big. Maybe drop off snacks at the fire department or to the therapist that help my children.
How do you pay it forward?

Friday, September 6, 2013
Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1) _Life________ happens, and you choose how you’re going to handle it.
2) I hate when you _clean the house___ and _no one comes over to see it or you change your sheets and the baby spits up on it.____
3) The bravest thing I have ever done is __fly from Germany to North Carolina with my 7 month old baby to spend a month with my dad who I had never spent more than a couple of hours with. _________
4) I like my __children___________ and ___hope that I take time to consider then blessings every day and not just something to take care of. _____________.

Sunday, September 1, 2013
39 Weeks

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