He is here!!!!!!!!!!! I have so much I want to tell you. I have a neat story I want to share. But for now I will say I am smitten, I honestly do not think that is a strong enough word. I can hardly put him down. I cannot stop kissing his little neck and cheeks.
I promise to get a birth story up soon. But for now I have little chubby cheeks that need kissed and squeezed. I have never had a baby with chubby cheeks.
Okay, I will give a couple of little details just to hold you over. He weighed 8.12 pounds which is over a pound bigger than my largest baby and almost four times as big as my last one. He was also my shortest by at least an inch and a half.
Seriously, look at those cheeks and that red hair. He has monkey toes and old man fingers and his daddy’s nose. He was born last Thursday.
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