Tuesday, March 31, 2009
more laughter tuesday
I decided to have leftover turkey with my breakfast this morning. When I offered Grace a bite she raised her hands in the STOP position and said. I had that for dinner. Then I was sweetly letting Rob know that I need a mountain dew and have none in the house which rarely happens. He just laughed at me. I thought he had left for work when he walked back in the house holding a very cold diet Pepsi, we have a fridge in the garage. His comment was too funny; he said "honey, I would be glad to give you my last diet Pepsi". I said no thank you; he knows I can not stand diet. He repeated himself "you can have my last diet Pepsi". OH, I get it, you are telling me you are now out of diet Pepsi and I need to go to the store today. The tragedy, I would not visit my house today. It is bad when both parents are out of there addictions. Something is wrong in the world when you walk into the Petrie house and do not find Diet Pepsi and Mountain Dew.
laughter lives Tuesday

okay I really want to start Laughter lives Tuesday because everyone knows my day's are filled with crazy moments.
I wrote the other day about the funny toothpaste comment and about Rob's underarm hair so today I will just talk about Grace. Every times she does something good or bad she runs up to me with those beautiful blue eyes and says "are you happy mommy, be happy mommy". most of the time she has something she has broken or should not have in her hand. It is her way of asking if she is in trouble. Please visit the Riggs site and pray for there little Abbby.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
No one can sleep in our house

sticky chocolate icing

I have been looking at the Pioneer Woman Blog for several months and fell in love with the pictures. Then someone sent me a reciepe from her site. So today because I am tired and resting I spent some time looking at her site and found a new frosting reciepe. And since my DH and family ate all the chocolate little debbie cakes I decided it was a great time to try it. I did not make the cupcakes but may have to try it soon. Her site is http://thepioneerwoman.com/. She used block chocolate and I used Chocolate chips and they worked great.
She has a prune cake that looks good. I wonder if snyone would know they were in there.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
What a wonderful wake up
Every morning my precious Grace comes into the livingroom and says "mommy, laptop down". So I put my laptop down and she climbs in my lap and we snuggle and talk about how she slept. It is my favorite time of day. This morning I heard her yelling for me from bed. She wanted me to come and carry her. She never wants me to get her out of bed. So I went in and picked her up and noticed she was not wearing a pull up. And she was dry. I guess we forgot to put one on her when we put her in bed last night. She had been out of pull ups until she went in the hospital in December. But with the gastro issues she is back in them. So I praised her all the way to the bathroom and set her on the potty. She was setting there waiting and waiting for her pee pee to wake up. She was telling me her pee pee is still asleep. I wish I could have caught her smile when it finally woke up.
Then she wanted breakfast, WHAT she never wants breakfast, so she ate cereal and she is standing next to me eating a grahm cracker. Yesturday she drank to pink milks (pediasures). That is the first she has drank in a month. Since we know she lost half a pound in the last 2 months it was extra nice to see her drinking it. We are going to have a great day!
Okay a couple of other funnies from this that could only be heard at my house. Rob told Hope to use the toothpaste that is on top of the banana peel. Who in there right mind would have a banana peeling in there bathroom.
Last sunday we were laying in bed when Hope came and got in bed with us. Rob did not have a shirt on which for anyone else would be normal, but my kids rarely see dad without a shirt. Rob rolled over and Hope saw that Rob has under arm hair. It was the funniest thing I had seen in weeks. She kept trying to touch it and then would pull away. I did not know want her to know I was watching her. She finally asked me what it was. She then proceeds to tell me all the other places daddy has hair at.
Days like today remind me why I love being home.
Then she wanted breakfast, WHAT she never wants breakfast, so she ate cereal and she is standing next to me eating a grahm cracker. Yesturday she drank to pink milks (pediasures). That is the first she has drank in a month. Since we know she lost half a pound in the last 2 months it was extra nice to see her drinking it. We are going to have a great day!
Okay a couple of other funnies from this that could only be heard at my house. Rob told Hope to use the toothpaste that is on top of the banana peel. Who in there right mind would have a banana peeling in there bathroom.
Last sunday we were laying in bed when Hope came and got in bed with us. Rob did not have a shirt on which for anyone else would be normal, but my kids rarely see dad without a shirt. Rob rolled over and Hope saw that Rob has under arm hair. It was the funniest thing I had seen in weeks. She kept trying to touch it and then would pull away. I did not know want her to know I was watching her. She finally asked me what it was. She then proceeds to tell me all the other places daddy has hair at.
Days like today remind me why I love being home.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
more playground fun

Michael had SAT testing today and it is about a 30 minute drive to get there. So the girls and I decided to enjoy the weather. We went to Chick fil a to play and have breakfast and then we went to Dublin Park to play. They ran and had a great time. I need you to look closely at the pictures, do you see the one with faith smelling her shoe. She got caught talking to a stranger twice so I had her set down. I told her I would post the picture of her looking in her shoe if she did not smile for me. We had a good time and I had time to read my book.
Faith thought laying on the dolphin was the best thing ever. When we left the playground we picked up Michael and then dropped the girls off at a friends so I could take Michael to the doctor. Guess what???????????? He is 5 foot 7.5 inches tall. He is only a inch shorter than me. It is not going to be long and he will be taller than me. He gets up every morning and wants to see if he is taller than me. Then we came home and did school and now we are fighting to stay awake
Perfect weather for playing on the playground

The last couples of days have been beautiful and while I do not normally enjoy being outside I really have. Yesterday my friend Lori and I took our kids to the play ground. The cutest thing ever happened; Faith was hanging upside down off of anything that would hold her. Grace wanted to try it but could not figure it out. This was her version of hanging upside down. Hope thought she was being left and was running to catch up with us.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Perfect weather for fishing
weight loss
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Horse pens 40

My boys are home safe and sound. They had a great time and no one got hurt. Rob did say we need to buy Michael a new sleeping bag. I guess we did not think about him out growing his sleeping bag. Michael won something for cooking which cracks me up since he did not eat any of it. He boiled chicken and then added it to roman with veggie stir fry and then they were given a secret ingredient which was pineapple so he added that. For dessert they took biscuits and rolled them in sugar and fried then and then after they were cooked they dipped them in sweet and sour sauce.
For breakfast they had pancakes and bacon. They had sandwiches with chips and oreos for lunch. Michael said he had fun but was tired when he got home. He is already in the shower and i am sure he will go to bed early tonight
A Quiet Weekend

The boys went camping this weekend with boy scouts so the girls and I are relaxing this weekend. Well not exactly relaxing today. We went out for burgers and fries for dinner and I even let them get pies. We just set around and relaxed last night. I did let them take a bath with the bubble blower that was until they pulled the shower curtain down including the rod out of the wall. But, I even took time to finish a book. I let the girls sleep in my bed last night and I slept on the couch. Actually I love sleeping on the couch and will use any excuse to do it. I even let them stay up until 10pm which never happens with mom. This morning we relaxed and then at 10am we got started. They got there room cleaned and Faith started laundry and kept it going. I got the office straightened up and found a wonderful memory. When Rob was in Iraq someone sent him cards using stampin up stamps which everyone knows is my favorite. When he saw them he got so excited and sent me a ton of them. Here is the sweat part, he did not write in the card. When I send a friend I typically do not sign it but write a note and stick inside of it so they can tear the card apart to copy it. The fact that he remembered that meant the world to me. It took a while to get back on track but I did. I got my room clean and my bathroom. Does anyone else stock pile shampoo and conditioner. I bet I have 10 bottles of each. I even cleaned out the drawers in my bathroom. I am proud to say I only had one outdated medicine. I really do try to stay on top of it. I promised the girls smoothies if they helped me get everything cleaned up. I wish I had the other camera to take pictures of everything they did. They really did try. They have had there smoothies and are now in there bedrooms watching a princess movie. We are going to relax until dad gets home which should be in the next hour. Here is a picture of the girls with there smoothie's and Grace resting in my bed.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Cat's Party

TEST< TEST, did my special friend notice I used capital letters. I did it just for you. LOL
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