Today we went to Magic Kingdom. WOW, we have so much fun. We saw princess so the trip can be over now. We rode the tea cups and dumbo. We had our picture taken in front of the Castle, and of course we were all making a face from the sun. Michael made it to Toon Town. That is all he wanted from the trip. It was cold today and we left our jackets on almost all day. We were freezing by the end of the day and tired. But we still stayed to see the fire works. We did great with budget, we took snacks again. The only thing we bought was a piece of fudge and lollipops and this evening we bought popcorn. Today was a good day. I really enjoy the time when we can just be together with no plans. I am trying to let Rob tell us where we are going each day and then even tell us in what order we are doing things at the park. I am a control freak and this is taking a lot off of me. Grace sounds yucky again today, we are giving her mucinex and breathing treatments but it does not seem to be doing much. She took 2 naps in the stroller
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