This is our wonderful friend Melanie. Melanie found out 10 days ago that she has colon cancer. She went in last week to rule out a stroke and is suposse to have colon surgery on Wednesday. This lady devotes her life to helping others and has worked with my family since March. I am sad to think about all she is going through. I know we serve a awesome God who can heal anyone of anything and I know he is the ultimate healer but I have to say this is hard for several reasons. I ask you, no I beg you to be in prayer for her, for her family for her grandkids. To be in prayer for members of my family who count the minutes until we can see her weekly. Her daughter is here with her from out of town. I pray that she is being loved and comforted and has everything she needs. I am going to post the updates as I recieve them on her and ask that you pray for this situation.
On a side note I will tell you that Melanie is a counselor and has (and will continue) to touch so many lives. She currently has to shut down her practice quite suddenly. Please pray for all her patients who are looking for new counselors.
This is the update I recieved this morning:
Today was not a good day for Mom. She started experiencing pain in her upper left arm and weakness on her left side around 8 am this morning. She didn't tell me about it until about 9:30. We headed to the emergency room at 10:30. Her condition detoriated over the course of the day. She eventually was not able to smile or lift her left arm or leg. The doctors ordered a CT scan and an MRI. The MRI indicated that she was not having an acute stroke. It did find a benign growth on the covering of her brain. They told me it was not causing pressure on her brain.
Eventually, at about 9:30 pm Central Time, they admitted her to the hospital and placed her in a private room on the stroke unit. They will be giving her Heparin as a blood thinner and medication for hypertension because her blood pressure has been elevated.
She is in room 842 at Huntsville Hospital. I'm sure she appreciates all your prayers and well wishes, but please do not visit her unless you call me first. My cell phone number is (xxx) xxx-xxxx. I am limiting her visitors. She is unable to get up from the bed.
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