We woke up Thursday, loaded the van and hit the road. Well after a stop for mountain dew. Can you believe I did not have any in the house. Van was loaded, had new tires, new battery and a oil change. I was a nervous wreck. The kids did great.We listened to a book on CD and watched national geographic. We made it in a there in under 5 hours with only one stop.
We checked into our room and waited on daddy. By this time Grace thought we were at Fort Ragg and was excited. My kids love to stay in hotels because there can watch Animal Planet Daddy finally came over for a visit. Once he was there all was right with the world. We got dressed for the reception. I had to giggle that there were men standing in the parking lot trying to tie each others ties. I was able to sneak in a little smooch before the reception which Michael hated I Did not take my camera in, you will have to ask Rob why. The girls were excited to go to daycare. We made it through the reception with Michael. I felt bad for him because I know he was bored. He did great in the reception line. Almost everyone asked him if he was going high school to flight school and he would say "NO, I am not going in the army". They were not thrilled with his decision. After the reception we picked up the girls, who were not thrilled to have to leave daycare. We went to dinner and then back to the hotel. Watched a little more animal planet and then AWWWWWWWWW so wonderful to be able to have help getting everyone ready for bed. Even better than that was having a warm body to sleep next too.
The men were told to be back at formation at 5:30am and if they were late to not show up. So Rob was there at 4:30am. The kids and I slept in, watched a little more animal planet and had breakfast. Then everyone got a shower in the worlds smallest shower (but more about that later). Then we headed to graduation. I have to tell you I was almost in tears, okay totally in tears at the new people who came to his graduation. The first was another warrant officer from here who helped Rob put in his packet. The other was a man who was deployed with Rob on his last trip to Iraq. I can not believe that these men would take off work and drive 3.5-5 hours to come to Rob's graduation. I feel so blessed for them being there. After Graduation we went to lunch and then got on the road. The drive home was horrible, we hit horrible rain and then traffic. The only good part was that when we got past the rain Rob called me to say I did a great job and that was the best gift anyone has given me. We got home about 8pm and literally put the kids to bed. We spent all Saturday doing nothing. Well really Rob washed the vehicles in the rain and updated the computers. Today we went to church and came home for naps and to relax. Rob goes back to work tomorrow and I guess life will get back to normal for a few weeks. I miss him already.

Great post! I love the way you write!!! You make me feel like I was right there with you. :) You have a beautiful family and are truly blessed. Happy for you that your husband is home. :)
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