Friday, October 1, 2010

Fill in the blank Friday

1. True happiness is.. being wrapped in your someone's arm who makes you feel safe and secure.
2. The most surreal moment of my life was... was seeing my baby girl for the first time, she weighed 2 pounds 12 ounces and I had no idea what to expect
3. My favorite texture is... smooth like a quilt, I love to lay under a quilt
4. My signature color is... maroon and sage green. I just love the colors together
5. My signature style is... comfy, loose and long. Just so you know it drives me batty that people ask if we are mormon because I were long skirts. Do mormons even wear long skirts.
6. If I could choose one store to spend my life savings at, it would be...this is too hard, if I had someone to help me shop it would be a clothing store. If not it would have to be a kitchen store. I want a new kitchen ade and a wheat grinder
7. My best thing about autumn is... the smell of baking pumpkin, the relaxing breeze that comes through my windows, the peace I feel when I can snuggle up under a blanket.


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